This drawing is 24 in. by 36 in. and done with various charcoal such as vine, pencil, and compressed. This piece was done for my Drawing Foundations final for the RISD 2011 pre-college program under the Architecture major. I took a photo of the Hemenway's Seafood Grill and Oyster Bar in Providence and printed it out. I then gridded the photo and scaled it up proportionally to make this drawing. The main purpose of this drawing is to emphasize the geometry of modern architecture. Thus, you can see various rectangles, squares, triangles, etc. You may notice that there are various white lines partially visible throughout this piece. Those are leftover marks from scaling and gridding from the original photo. However, they add a nice touch and further emphasize the geometry. They also add more reflective quality which was another goal I was aiming for when making this piece. You can see the glass windows of the building reflecting the clouds and sky.